How can we help?


Engaging in a self-assessment questionnaire enables customers to reflect on their gambling habits. By analysing the responses and observing the gambling behaviours, we are able to determine the appropriate support and assistance to provide.

We can offer guidance on accessing responsible gambling resources and recommend effective gambling management tools to address any harmful behaviour.


This self-test is based on the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI), a standardized tool used to gauge an individual's risk level in gambling.

Take your time to reflect on each question and answer honestly for the most accurate scoring. Use the point system provided (0 for Never, 1 for Rarely, 1 for Sometimes, 2 for Often, and 3 for Always) to score each question. You can tally your points at the end of the test.

Here are the questions:

  1. Have you spent more money on gambling than you could afford to lose?
  2. Have you needed to gamble with larger amounts of money to feel the same excitement?
  3. Have you returned on another day to try to win back lost money?
  4. Have you borrowed money or sold possessions to gamble?
  5. Have you felt you might have a gambling problem?
  6. Have others criticized your gambling habits, even if you didn't agree?
  7. Have you felt guilty about your gambling or its consequences?
  8. Has gambling caused you health issues, like stress or anxiety?
  9. Has gambling caused financial problems for you or your household?

After answering, calculate your total points and see your score:

  • Non-problem gambler: Score 0
  • Low-risk gambler: Score 1–2
  • Moderate-risk gambler: Score 3–7
  • Problem gambler: Score 8 or above

If you'd like to take an automated version of the PGSI test and receive assistance based on your score, click here.