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What happens to my bet if I lose connection during a live game?

In the event of a Wi-Fi disconnection during a live game, there's no need to worry. The game continues uninterrupted, and if reconnection isn't feasible, it's treated as if you remained idle. Simply review your casino history to ascertain the outcome of your bet. Rest assured, your gameplay experience is accounted for.

General Issues:

  1. Connectivity Loss: If you lose connection after placing a bet but before the game determines the outcome, the system typically continues as though you're still actively participating. Your bet remains in place, and the game proceeds accordingly.
  2. Reconnection Efforts: Casinos often prioritize reconnecting players swiftly. Thus, if your Wi-Fi experiences interruptions, the game will endeavour to restore your connection promptly.
  3. Time Constraints: There's typically a limited window for rejoining the game. If you exceed this timeframe, the game may progress without your participation.
  4. Refunds or Adjustments: While some casinos may offer refunds or adjustments in cases where disconnections disrupt gameplay, such resolutions aren't guaranteed for every occurrence.
  5. Customer Support Assistance: If you find yourself in a connectivity dilemma, don't hesitate to contact customer support. They possess the expertise to resolve issues, facilitate refunds, or provide explanations regarding disconnections.
  6. Recording Mechanisms: Similar to reality TV, most live casino games are recorded. This enables the casino to review past gameplay in instances where discrepancies arise.
  7. Familiarize Yourself with Rules: It's advisable to acquaint yourself with the casino's rules, as they outline protocols for handling disconnections. Knowledge of these guidelines empowers you to navigate such situations effectively.

In essence, remain composed and assess your connection status. In the event of persistent issues, reaching out to customer support serves as your primary recourse in the dynamic realm of online live casinos.