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What happens when a mistake goes unnoticed by the pit boss?

When a mistake goes unnoticed by the pit boss, it may result in various outcomes depending on the nature and significance of the error:

  1. Continuation of Gameplay: If the mistake is minor and does not significantly impact the game, gameplay typically continues uninterrupted.
  2. Player Intervention: In some cases, players may notice discrepancies missed by the pit boss. They can bring these to the attention of casino staff or customer support for resolution.
  3. Recordkeeping: Most live casino games are recorded, allowing for retrospective review in case of disputes or errors. Even if unnoticed initially, mistakes can be identified and addressed through this recording mechanism.
  4. Resolution through Customer Support: If a mistake affects gameplay or raises concerns for players, they can contact customer support for assistance. Customer support staff are trained to handle such situations and can provide guidance or address issues as needed.

Overall, while mistakes occasionally slip past the pit boss, there are mechanisms in place to identify, address, and resolve them to ensure fair and smooth gameplay.