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Mandatory Limits

Picture this: default limits on gambling sites are like the friendly neighborhood watch, keeping a close eye on everyone to make sure things stay fun and safe. These limits are pre-set rules that kick in automatically to help folks gamble responsibly. Think of them as invisible guardians, quietly nudging players in the right direction.

Now, what exactly do these limits do? Well, they're like little safety nets, preventing players from going overboard with their bets, time spent playing, or the amount of money they can throw into the game. It's all about keeping things balanced and ensuring that everyone's gaming experience is enjoyable without any regrets.

But here's the cool part: players aren't stuck with these limits if they don't want to be. Oh no! They've got the power to customize and tweak these limits to suit their own preferences. Want to lower your deposit limit or adjust how much time you spend playing? Easy peasy! Just head over to your account settings, and you're good to go.

So, think of default limits as your trusty sidekick in the world of online gambling – always there to keep things exciting while making sure you play it safe. With these limits by your side, you can bet on having a blast without any worries!

Default Limits.

The default and reset value for all limits is unlimited for all players except for those in Sweden and the UK.  Players can easily alter these amounts when they log into their account and select a preferred limit.

United Kingdom -
Players residing in the UK have the following default limits applied when they register. :
Deposit limit: £100,000
Time limit: 24h
Bet limit: £100,000
Loss limit: £100,000

Sweden -
When a player from Sweden makes an account, they must choose at a minimum a deposit limit before they can play. If a Swedish player is having trouble with their account, they might be simply choosing the 'Accept', button when the limits pop-up request to set their own limits is displayed. Players must choose at the very least a deposit limit before their account is activated to deposit and play.